Global Run 4 Hope is all our locations coming together on October 26th , 2024 via a live stream “Global Run for Hope Celebration” event which will feature Run 4 Hope participants, missionaries, leadership from around the world and Church challenge winners will be announced.
As easy as 1-2-3!
This October we are coming together preparing for one purpose, a United We Can effort, Global Run 4 Hope 2024! Join us in making a difference around the world by registering and getting sponsors today.
Run 4 Hope participants can participate in Virtual race and fundraising activities. Those who raise $500 or more, qualify for special prizes!
Sign-Up for Run for Hope – It’s free!
Registration is free so sign up now and start getting sponsors. Then challenge your friends and family to join you – hurting people within the inner-cities are counting on us to do whatever it takes. And because we’re going virtual, anyone from anywhere (yes, that also means internationally!) can join your efforts and become part of your team by sponsoring you.
Set a Goal. Find Sponsors
When registering make sure to upload a profile picture and a bio of why you are participating in Run 4 Hope. Also select a goal you want to reach. Remember individual prizes start at $500.You can do this! Challenge yourself to shoot for a Sponsorship Goal and let everyone you know; family, friends neighbors, business partners and local community business that you are asking them to sponsor you to help you meet that goal. Share your link with them, by text, email, Facebook or Instagram…it’s that easy for them to sponsor you. They’ll also be able to see your testimony, photos, videos and be able to follow your progress as you get closer to meeting and or surpassing your goal!
Do What you Love
DO WHAT YOU LOVE to get your sponsors to help us keep winning this world for Jesus! Whether it’s a 5K or 10K Walk/Run or walk around the block with your dog or with your child in a stroller or Baking, Skating, Drawing, Lifting weights, Low-rider Cruise, Cycle or take a Motorcycle ride with your friends on the date October 26th (or whenever it’s convenient for you), Do what you love and show us how you’re participating by using #R4H2022 on social media to share photos and more. Let your Sponsors know that you are committed to your activity and to earning their sponsorships.
Incentives / Prizes
While we know you fund-raise to help reach a lost world for Christ, but it’s always nice to receive an incentive for a job well done. Run 4 Hope participants who go the extra mile with their fundraising qualify for special prizes!
Fundraising Tips & Tools
Your fundraising is making a difference by restoring the lives of those affected by drug addiction, gang violence, prostitution, and reuniting families ripped apart. Be a fundraising powerhouse, just use these tips to take advantage of the many resources available and aim high!
Fundraising with Social Media
Connecting with friends and family through social media will broaden your reach and help deliver your message. You can connect with Run 4 Hope through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Use this hashtag when posting on social media: #R4H2025
Ready to get started?
Register or sponsor someone today and help us reach people in need.